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April 14, 2018
Press Release: Women Executive Leadership honors 32 Florida public companies that have advanced gender diversity in the boardroom
Contact: Lisa Pelish, Communications Chair LPelish@arise.com 561 477 9076 August 17, 2017 News Release For Immediate Release Women Executive Leadership honors 32 Florida public companies that have advanced...June 13, 2017
Having a Diversity Board Matters
The nature of globalization has lead to a shift in workforce demographics that is making business more complex and is requiring boards to broaden their composition of its membership. Every...May 5, 2017
WEL South Event: 2020 Women on Boards National Conversation Event
May 3, 2017
Qualified and talented women available to be on board
Below is a great article showcasing the depth of talented women qualified to be on a technologies board of directors. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290128May 1, 2017
Gender Diversity on U.S. Boards
All-male boards are almost nonexistent at large companies, but it will still take 30 more years for gender parity on US boards. Find out how that can happen faster: http://www.ey.com/gl/en/issues/governance-and-reporting/center-for-board-matters/?video=5330068732001...April 25, 2017
Could legislation help boost women on boards?
The Washington Post: For years, the statistics have been glacial and disheartening. The percentage of women in the board rooms of the largest U.S. companies has crept up from 15 percent in 2005...
Executive teams and Boards everywhere are positively impacted by the empathy and diversity of thought women bring to the business. Supporting the growth of women in executive positions is an inspiring goal and I am happy to join “Women Executive Leadership” to help make it happen
Yvethe Tyszka
VP of Marketing, H&H North America
“WEL provides thoughtful and intentional programs that are meant to help increase the number of women in the C-Suite and Corporate Boards and to further the mission of gender diversity. WEL is not just doing this because it’s the right thing to do, but because statistically speaking, it’s been shown that organizations with gender diversity perform far better than their peers who don’t.”
Penny Parks
President & Founder
“The combination of commitment to board diversity, the educational programs, and the opportunity for senior executive women to network with other members and organizations is what WEL is all about.”
Beth Simonetti
EVP & Chief Human Resources Officer
“WEL is a safe place and opportunity for accomplished executive women to network and build relationships and actionable plans to move into a corporate board.”