WEL is for successful professionals who are committed to be a part of the movement to have gender diversity in the Board Room and C-Suite. Member Applications are reviewed based on the Criteria outlined below.

Please read the criteria to determine how you meet the criteria.

Criteria For All Candidates:

  • Are recognized leaders in their field and have established a broad sphere of influence.
  • Will have at least seven years of managerial experience.
  • Can demonstrate a commitment to the mission of WEL.

Determine if you meet at least one of the designations below:

Candidates currently employed by Corporations

  • Are or were a C-level/senior executive with broad strategic and managerial responsibility.
  • Serves as a member of senior leadership within the top two levels of the organization

Candidates currently employed in a Small Businesses and Professional Services Firm

  • Will be a Partner or equivalent in a $2 million annual revenue or greater professional services firm.
  • Will have demonstrated interaction at a senior level with the corporate/business community with significant clients served.

Candidates currently employed as “Individual” Consultants or Sole Practitioners

  • Will direct the business full-time.
  • Will have been active for at least five years in the current business enterprise or have an established
    background in the same business or professional arena.
  • The consultant will generate revenue of at least $350,000 with significant clients served.
  • The consultant will demonstrate interaction at a senior level with the corporate/business community.

Candidates currently employed by the Not-for-Profit Sector

  • Will serve as the Executive Director, or its equivalent, or if employed by a large not-for-profit organization, will hold a senior leadership role with significant strategic and managerial responsibilities.
  • The agency will demonstrate interaction with the corporate/business community.
  • The agency serves a large number of clients and has a significant budget and/or scope of service.

Candidates currently in Political Office and the Government Sector

  • Serve as Chief Executives of federal, state or local governments.
  • Serve as Members of Congress or state legislators.
  • Serve as Cabinet members or hold equivalent positions with federal, state or local governments.
  • Individuals in government with other positions that are comparable in scope to senior roles in corporations
    or professional firms.
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